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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ozzy's Direct Pay Now Accepting UK/Australia Members

Yep, this week is not going much better than last week in offline life, so here I am delayed again... apologies once again. My email box is backed up to close to 6,000 emails - crazy, huh? I'll sort thru them before the week's through, I hope!

Did want to report, however, that Ozzy's Direct Pay is now accepting members from the UK and Australia, so any of you folks from over yonder and down under who might want to check it out, feel free to.

Which reminds me that I really need to update some of the info here on the site and "houseclean" a bit, as well as adding some more easily found links to some other GPT/PTR/PTC news sites I read daily and you should too (the links are already here, but I want to make them more easily accessible).

So stay tuned, more coming up - have a great rest of your Wednesday and hoping to be back tomorrow with more, fingers crossed!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Got Paid Update #26 - IsabelMarco

Got paid last week on Friday by IsabelMarco in the amount of $115, about 34 days after request so they are at least still paying out pretty consistently with that.

I guess the jury's still out on whether or not their many recent changes to their TOS is a good thing or not, one of the most major of which is they are no longer paying free members anymore (and that said, I need to go back and revise several entries about this site when I can find some time). I can say from where I sit, even though I have remained a premium member for several months in a row now, I've seen my active referrals and my average monthly payout decrease by now over 50%.

I don't know; I'm watching to see how things go for now is about the best I can say. They have had more ads daily in the last couple of weeks, but I'm not seeing a lot of activity in my stats and, as I said, my draw for this month will be over 50% less than what I got just paid and my active referrals have gone WAY down, so that's a little disappointing. They've also added a lot of extra ads and a cheat checker - while I can understand the need for both and don't really have a problem with those things generally (especially when it comes to advertising in support of the site), I kinda feel having to go thru the cheat checker more than once or twice is a bit of overkill. Like I said, I guess we'll just see if it starts to even back out at all but this decrease in the last 6-8 weeks is certainly concerning.

But for premium members anyway (which is $9 a month or $70 a year), I can still recommend it as a site that does pay and is consistent with it for now.

On another note, apologies for the lack of updates this week - a lot of stuff going on offline for me right now and it's just not been the best of weeks. Will try to get a little better motivated next week, promise, and still need to do a little tweaking of the site so stay tuned...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Got Paid Update #25 - ClixSense

Received my first payment this week for $14.50 from ClixSense, a long established and good program with an excellent history in the industry. At ClixSense, you get paid at least one cent per ad viewed, and often there are two, five and even ten cent ads for premium members.

You can really maximize (and hasten up!) your earnings here with their extremely reasonable upgrade - $10 for an entire year - and by getting referrals (especially if they upgrade too). I have been recommending this upgrade for some time - as soon as you upgrade, you will usually see 300-400 ads that are available to premium members only, and once you get through that backlog, you'll pretty consistently see 20 or more ads a day if you check in a couple of times a day. That's a significant maximizer beyond the approximately 10 ads a day available to free members.

They pay automatically at the end of the month by check if you've reached your preferred payout level (they do take a $3 check processing fee out, so it's probably better to set your payout at $20 or more instead of the minimum $10), and it arrives pretty fast - I received my check within about 7 days.

Join now if you're not a member yet (and think about upgrading) - this is one that is really worth it!

Pirate's Riches Closing

The admin at Pirate's Riches announced this week she is closing the site. Like many GPT sites, the site has been affected by fraudulent activity and slow affiliate payments, but with the triple whammy of the admin's husband losing his job this week, she made the decision to close the site.

One good bit of news with this is that she intends to pay her members ALL money due everyone, regardless of cashout limit, so that's really good to hear. And she has proven to be a very ethical admin and always quick to act on any problems, so I feel sure she will keep her word on this.

In an industry that has become problematic regarding things like this, that's really good to see.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Got Paid Update #24 - BankRollBucks

My favorite words when it comes to GPT/PTR/PTC sites are "dependable" and "reliable", and those words are definitely apropos when it comes to BankRollBucks!

I received my payment of $5.17 for September today from BankRollBucks, which pays on Net 15 but almost always pays within the first week of each month (usually within the first 3-4 days).

Sunday was the BankRollBucks admin's birthday, so join up (if you haven't already) and drop by and wish her a happy belated birthday while you're there! And make a little cash while you're there too - it's easy at BankRollBucks!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

BuddyPond Closing

One of my favorite spots in the Pond Network, BuddyPond, announced recently that it will be closing.

If you are a paid BuddyPond member, the BuddyPond admin has partnered with the owner of one of the top PTC programs online (LinkGrand) for something that is going to be very beneficial. If you are a lifetime paid BuddyPond member, you will receive one year Gold membership at LinkGrand free. This is a normal cost of $240 for a year. If you are a yearly paid BuddyPond member, you will receive one year Silver membership free. This is a normal cost of $120. There will be a future announcement arriving about what the paid members will receive and what they need to do to get their paid gold and silver memberships into the new program.

If you have $5 or more in earnings, head over to BuddyPond and cash out now. After the $5 payouts are paid, the admin will lower the payout to $4 and those with $4 or more can request payout. After those payouts are made, it will be lowered to $3 and so on. If you have further questions and are a MarketingPond member, you can ask at the MP forum.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Got Paid Update #23 - CashMonkies JR

Another payment to report from CashMonkies JR for the latter half of September, received yesterday in the amount of $5.09! Since the site went to $5 minimum payments and payout twice a month, it's really easy to get that $5 minimum... I haven't done it twice in one month yet, but now that things are slowing down for me just a little maybe I will in October!

(UPDATE 12/23/2008 - CashMonkies JR & CashMonkies are being sold, so at present I will not be promoting them further dependent on the history of the site under whoever the new ownership will be.)

By the way, I have got to reorganize the site a little in the next few days - there are some things I didn't foresee months ago that are now driving the webmistress in me slightly bananas - so if you see something weird, it'll be fixed soon (or at least hopefully I won't break anything!).

Happy Monday everyone!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Got Paid Update #22 - ReadersPond & MyCashHoney

My favorite thing to be able to do - reporting on payments! Here's two I got in the last few days...

I received my first payment from ReadersPond on October 1st in the amount of $12.72. The site began in July and is a part of the Pond Network along with all the other money opportunities I often suggest - MarketingPond, Global Team Club, Traffic Wave Profits, and the new ViralPond (for Freebie Force and GDI members).


And I also got paid $5.38 at the end of the month for August by MyCashHoney, which makes payment #3 from this great site. I actually got so busy in September that I did not cash out there for September so I'm breaking my three-month streak of payments from there.

(UPDATE: MyCashHoney closed as of 11/30/2008)

On another note, I have decided for the time being to suspend the daily contest updates. It was very time consuming to gather and organize that information and really has been what's kept me from regular posting here the last 4-5 weeks, I have just gotten so busy that I didn't have time for doing that but I wasn't posting much because that task kept hanging over my head.

Pretty much all of the sites I recommend have regular and great contests, and if you're a member of them you are getting the same e-mails I am anyway, so I know a lot of it was repetitive information as it was.

The most important things when it comes to GPT/PTC/PTR, of course, are sites that pay and are are good and dependable... so for now I will be focusing mainly on payments, news, and other updates about the sites I have listed as well as reviewing any new sites I think are worthwhile, and of course will still be posting some contest news here and there - just not a huge list as it was every single day... and that should allow me time to be able to post more often and regularly than I have been the last several weeks.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! See you next week!


The Most Popular Traffic Exchange

Opinions and reviews of websites and programs listed on this site are based on my personal experiences and information collected and reviewed from other members of those sites only. Your results using these sites may be different.

Disclaimer: Some of the links mentioned within the posts on this site are my affiliate/referral links, and in such case I may get compensated for recommending those products or websites. However, I will never recommend something that I don't personally believe in on the date originally posted, and recommended sites and programs that fail to maintain quality standards are removed from the active lists regularly. I welcome your questions and feedback.

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